What is the best way to learn French?

Let’s break this down into what you are trying to achieve:

  1. Most of my students want to achieve conversational French, which means:
    – being able to talk about oneself and giving personal opinions without hesitation: je
    – being able to talk to one person at a time (their significant other, members of their family, their French friend, etc. – not a complete stranger): you (tu)
    – being able to talk about this person and them, about what two people do: we
    – being able to talk about other people, commenting on someone else: he, she, you (vous), they

    This is what I put much of my focus on, to help people get speaking as soon as possible, without needing much notion of French grammar.
  2. You might be interested in learning for pleasure. In this case, I would recommend:
    – learning how to read the way French children do, starting with combining vowels:
    a+i = ai = /è/ sound
    a+u = au = /o/ sound
    o+i = oi = /wa/ sound
    o+u = ou = /oo/ sound
    – using bilingual material, to learn ‘by reading’ and focusing on what is common between English and French, and what is different.
    What is common:
    – vocabulary with typical endings (-aire, -eur, etc.)
    – word order, except for pronouns (I + love + you = Je + t’ + aime)
    – most tenses, except for passé composé/imparfait and use of subjunctive
    What isn’t:
    – vocabulaire when it comes to ‘false friends’ (monnaie = change, currency # money = argent)
    – homophones: the sound /mètr/ could be maître, mettre or even mètre (one meter long)
    – ‘se’ verbs: se réveiller, for all tenses: je me suis réveillé / je me réveille / je vais me réveiller
    – past tenses (use of passé composé/imperfect)
    – use of subjunctive
    – sentence structure and choice of words (I didn’t expect you to come – Je ne m’attendais pas à te voir)

Leave a comment below if you’re in one of these situations, or if your objectives are different!

Bonne chance 🙂

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