The most underrated conjugation trick

Here’s a simple one.

What if you could just learn how to say in French, in one go:

I walk (every day)

I’m walking (to the office)

I do (30 minutes of French every day)
I’m doing (my French practice)

I ask you (to leave the room)
I’m asking you (please)

The great news is….

It’s possible!

It only takes a simple conjugation trick sometimes.

Using the present tense in French is extremely useful in two ways.

Compare :

  • Her name is Janet but I call my sister Jane.
  • I need to speak to her. I’m calling my sister Jane right now.

    In English, you’d use one or the other.
    See if we tried to swap them:
  • Her name is Janet but I’m calling my sister Jane.
  • I need to speak to her. I call Jane right now.

Sounds a bit weird, doesn’t it?

Now, how do you avoid having to make that decision in French?

Easy: just go for the ‘I call’ solution every time.

I call = J’appelle.

I’m calling = J’appelle – too!

Same sound, same spelling, no difference at all!

Compare :

  • I call my sister Jane = J’appelle [zha.pehl] | ma soeur [ma.sseur] | Jane [JANE].
  • I’m calling my sister Jane = J’appelle [zha.pehl] | ma soeur [ma.sseur] | Jane [JANE].

Same sound, same spelling, a real no brainer!

What that means for your learning

Make things easy for yourself.
Whenever you learn a new verb, think how it can be used in both ways, and try to find and example.

Actually, why don’t you share your suggestions below for the first three examples:

I walk / I’m walking

I do / I’m doing

I ask / I’m asking

Remember, both will be exactly the same – you just need to find the right example!

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